Mind training, or Lojong in Tibetan, refers to a set of practices we can use to transform unskillful states of mind and to reframe our perception of our role in the world.
Lojong teachings present an alternate view of reality for our consideration, in which the happiness and joy that we often seek only through self preoccupation, security, and fleeting sense pleasures, can actually be found by learning to see ourselves as beneficiaries of the cosmic dance of phenomena, and by practicing to live with the good of all in mind.
Many of the teaching texts use simple statements to undermine our habitual assumptions about who we are in relation to others and the world. These practices help us create space in our thinking for greater choice, spontaneity, and originality.
David Curtis teaches regularly on mind training topics during Big Sky Mind classes and retreats. For more information about ongoing and upcoming teachings, click on Schedule at the top of the page, look for us on the missoulaevents.net website, or email us at info@tibetanlanguage.org.