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Dharma Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgön Kongtrül

Dharma Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula):
Exploring Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgön Kongtrül

Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 102 McLeod Ave., Missoula

This Saturday:
We will continue our exploration and meditation on the essential instructions contained in the Seven Points of Mind Training with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Six, “Commitments of Mind Training.”

Saturday, February 17, 2018
10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:00 PM: Brown Bag Lunch
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation

Join us for either or both sessions. Please bring your own lunch for the noon lunch hour.

Suggested donation: $20-$35

For the last several months we've been meeting once a month to work our way through the subject of mind training, which offers practical methods for exploring and reframing our thoughts and perceptions.

Each of the first four months was dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. In the 5th session, we began looking at the actual teaching of the Seven Points of Mind Training.

We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, April 21, 2018.