One-Day Retreat on the Bardo Teachings (Missoula)
102 McLeod Avenue (the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Center)
Please join David Curtis and Carol Heer for a day of introductory study and practice centered on the Bardo Teachings of Karma Lingpa. Bardo means “between state" or “transition,” and may refer to any gap between the completion of one situation and the onset of another. Anam Thubten Rinpoche recently gave public teachings on the Six Bardos of Tibetan Buddhism, saying, “The Six Bardos cover all of our life. These teachings invite us to stay in awareness all the time.”
At this retreat, we will explore the Bardo of This Life, The Bardo of Dreams, The Bardo of Meditation, The Bardo of Dying, The Bardo of the Nature of Reality, and the Bardo of Becoming.
We will start promptly at 10 AM so come early to settle in and have tea. Please bring a bag lunch; snacks will be provided. The retreat will finish by 4:30 PM.
Everyone is invited. This day is supported by donation – please offer what you can. A donation basket will be at the door.
Suggested donation: $20-$35
About the Teachers:
Lama David Curtis teaches regularly on subjects relating to Tibetan Buddhism, a tradition that offers a variety of practical methods for exploring and working with our habitual thoughts and perceptions in order to bring about greater peace, joy, and ease in our daily lives.
Carol Heer is a longtime practitioner, student, and teacher of Buddhism. She has been an active member of the Big Sky Mind sangha in Missoula for many years.
Questions or comments can be emailed to