10:00 AM10:00

One-Day Retreat on the Bardo Teachings (Missoula)

102 McLeod Avenue (the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Center)

Please join David Curtis and Carol Heer for a day of introductory study and practice centered on the Bardo Teachings of Karma Lingpa. Bardo means “between state" or “transition,” and may refer to any gap between the completion of one situation and the onset of another. Anam Thubten Rinpoche recently gave public teachings on the Six Bardos of Tibetan Buddhism, saying, “The Six Bardos cover all of our life. These teachings invite us to stay in awareness all the time.”

At this retreat, we will explore the Bardo of This Life, The Bardo of Dreams, The Bardo of Meditation, The Bardo of Dying, The Bardo of the Nature of Reality, and the Bardo of Becoming.


We will start promptly at 10 AM so come early to settle in and have tea. Please bring a bag lunch; snacks will be provided. The retreat will finish by 4:30 PM.


Everyone is invited. This day is supported by donation – please offer what you can. A donation basket will be at the door.

Suggested donation: $20-$35

About the Teachers:

Lama David Curtis teaches regularly on subjects relating to Tibetan Buddhism, a tradition that offers a variety of practical methods for exploring and working with our habitual thoughts and perceptions in order to bring about greater peace, joy, and ease in our daily lives.

Carol Heer is a longtime practitioner, student, and teacher of Buddhism. She has been an active member of the Big Sky Mind sangha in Missoula for many years.

Questions or comments can be emailed to

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10:00 AM10:00

Mind Training Teachings for Transforming Everyday Challenges: Buddhist Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula)

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 102 McLeod Ave., Missoula

Once a month, Lama David Curtis offers teachings on the subject of Tibetan Buddhist mind training techniques, which offer practical methods for exploring and reframing our thoughts and perceptions to bring about more peace and ease in our daily lives.

Each of the first four months were dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. Currently we are exploring the teachings of the Seven Points of Mind Training.

This Saturday's Topic:
We will continue our study of the text of the Seven Points of Mind Training with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Seven, “Guidelines for Mind Training.”

No previous attendance is necessary.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:30 PM: Brown Bag Lunch Break/Community Time
1:30 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation

Join us for either or both sessions.

This day of practice is supported by donation. A donation basket will be available by the door for those who are able to contribute.

We will continue our discussion of the text during our next scheduled retreat, which will take place on Saturday, February 16, 2019.

Questions or comments can be emailed to

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10:00 AM10:00

Mind Training Teachings for Transforming Everyday Challenges: Buddhist Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula)

Saturday, November 17, 2018
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 102 McLeod Ave., Missoula

Once a month, Lama David Curtis offers teachings on the subject of Tibetan Buddhist mind training techniques, which offer practical methods for exploring and reframing our thoughts and perceptions to bring about more peace and ease in our daily lives.

Each of the first four months were dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. Since the 5th session, we have been looking at each of the 59 slogans contained within the Seven Points of Mind Training.

This Saturday's Topic:
We will continue our exploration and meditation on the essential instructions contained in the text of the Seven Points of Mind Training, with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Seven, “Guidelines for Mind Training.”

No previous attendance is necessary.

Saturday, November 17, 2018
10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:30 PM: Brown Bag Lunch Break/Community Time
1:30 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation

Join us for either or both sessions.

This day of practice is supported by donation. A donation basket will be available by the door for those who are able to contribute.

We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, January 19th, 2019.

Questions or comments can be emailed to:

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10:00 AM10:00

Dharma Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings for Transforming Everyday Challenges

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 102 McLeod Ave., Missoula

For several months we've been meeting once a month to discuss mind training techniques, which offer practical methods for exploring and reframing our thoughts and perceptions to bring about more peace and ease in our daily lives.

Each of the first four months were dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. Since the 5th session, we have been looking at the actual teaching of the Seven Points of Mind Training.

This Saturday's Topic:
We will continue our exploration and meditation on the essential instructions contained in the text of the Seven Points of Mind Training, with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Six, “Commitments of Mind Training.” 

No previous attendance is necessary.

Saturday, May 19, 2018
10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:00 PM: Brown Bag Lunch
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation

Join us for either or both sessions. Please bring your own lunch for the noon lunch hour.

This day of practice is supported by donation. A donation basket will be available by the door for those who are able to contribute.

We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, October 20, 2018.


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10:00 AM10:00

Dharma Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgön Kongtrül

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 102 McLeod Ave., Missoula

We will continue our exploration and meditation on the essential instructions contained in the Seven Points of Mind Training, with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Six, “Commitments of Mind Training.” 

This section includes teachings on such slogans as: "Give up poisonous food," "Don't rely of consistency," "Don't be excited by cutting remarks," and "Don't wait in ambush."

No previous attendance necessary.

Saturday, May 19, 2018
10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:00 PM: Brown Bag Lunch
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation
Join us for either or both sessions. Please bring your own lunch for the noon lunch hour.

Suggested donation:

For the last several months we've been meeting once a month to work our way through the subject of mind training, which offers practical methods for exploring and reframing our thoughts and perceptions.

Each of the first four months were dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. Since the 5th session, we have been looking at the actual teaching of the Seven Points of Mind Training.

We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, June 16, 2018.

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10:00 AM10:00

Dharma Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgön Kongtrül

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 102 McLeod Ave., Missoula

We will continue our exploration and meditation on the essential instructions contained in the Seven Points of Mind Training, with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Six, “Commitments of Mind Training.” 

This section includes teachings on such slogans as: “Do not talk about weak points,” “Don’t think about the affairs of others,” “Work on stronger disturbing emotions first,” and “Give up all hope for results.”

No previous attendance necessary.

Saturday, April 21, 2018
10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:00 PM: Brown Bag Lunch
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation

Join us for either or both sessions. Please bring your own lunch for the noon lunch hour.

Suggested donation: $20-$35

For the last several months we've been meeting once a month to work our way through the subject of mind training, which offers practical methods for exploring and reframing our thoughts and perceptions.

Each of the first four months were dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. Since the 5th session, we have been looking at the actual teaching of the Seven Points of Mind Training.

We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, May 19, 2018.

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10:00 AM10:00

Dharma Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgön Kongtrül

Dharma Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula):
Exploring Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgön Kongtrül

Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 102 McLeod Ave., Missoula

This Saturday:
We will continue our exploration and meditation on the essential instructions contained in the Seven Points of Mind Training with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Six, “Commitments of Mind Training.”

Saturday, February 17, 2018
10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:00 PM: Brown Bag Lunch
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation

Join us for either or both sessions. Please bring your own lunch for the noon lunch hour.

Suggested donation: $20-$35

For the last several months we've been meeting once a month to work our way through the subject of mind training, which offers practical methods for exploring and reframing our thoughts and perceptions.

Each of the first four months was dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. In the 5th session, we began looking at the actual teaching of the Seven Points of Mind Training.

We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, April 21, 2018.

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10:00 AM10:00

Dharma Teaching and Meditation Practice (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in The Great Path of Awakening by Jamgön Kongtrül

This Saturday:

We will continue our exploration and meditation on the essential instructions contained in the Seven Points of Mind Training with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Five, "The extent of proficiency in mind training," and Point Six, “Commitments of Mind Training.”

Saturday, February 17, 2018
10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:00 PM: Brown Bag Lunch
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation

Join us for either or both sessions. Please bring your own lunch for the noon lunch hour.

Suggested donation: $20-$35

For the last several months we've been meeting once a month to work our way through the subject of mind training.

Each of the first four months was dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. In the 5th and 6th sessions we began looking at the actual teaching of the Seven Points of Mind Training.

We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, March 17, 2018.

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10:00 AM10:00

Dharma Teaching and Mediation Practice (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgon Kongtrul

Saturday, January 20, 2018
10:00 AM-12:00 noon: Teaching and Meditation
12:00 noon-1:00 PM: Brown Bag Lunch
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: Teaching and Meditation

Please join us for either or both sessions.

For the last six months we've been meeting once a month to work our way through the subject of mind training. Each of the first four months were dedicated to one of the contemplations called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Spiritual Life. In months 5 and 6 we began looking at the actual teaching of the Seven Points of Mind Training.

This Saturday we will continue our exploration and meditation on these essential instructions with a focus on the mind training slogans of Point Four, "The utilization of the practice in one's whole life", and Point Five, "The extent of proficiency in mind training".

Opportunity for meditation will be interspersed throughout today's teaching.

Four 1-hour discussion/meditation sessions, with by brown-bag lunch at noon. There is no cost but donations to defray expenses will be gratefully received. We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, February 17, 2018.

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10:00 AM10:00

BOOK DISCUSSION (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgon Kongtrul

The third in a series of discussions on the topic of the Tibetan tradition of mind training, as outlined in "The Great Path of Awakening," the classic text by Jamgon Kongtrul.
Today's topics:

- Review of what we covered in the last sessions
- Discussion of mind training slogans, beginning where we left off at the end of the last session
Discussion followed by brown-bag lunch. There is no cost but donations to defray expenses will be gratefully received. We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, January 20, 2018.

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10:00 AM10:00

BOOK DISCUSSION (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgon Kongtrul

The second in a series of discussions on the topic of the Tibetan tradition of mind training, as outlined in "The Great Path of Awakening," the classic text by Jamgon Kongtrul.
Today's topics:
- Review of what we covered in the last session
- Discussion of mind training slogans, including number 9: "Use sayings to train in all forms of activity," number 10: "Begin the sequence of training with yourself," and number 11: "When evil fills the world and its inhabitants, change adverse conditions into the path of awakening."
Discussion followed by brown-bag lunch. There is no cost but donations to defray expenses will be gratefully received. We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, December 16.

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10:00 AM10:00

BOOK DISCUSSION (Missoula): Mind Training Teachings in "The Great Path of Awakening" by Jamgon Kongtrul

The first in a series of discussions on the topic of the Tibetan tradition of mind training, as outlined in "The Great Path of Awakening," the classic text by Jamgon Kongtrul.
Today's topics:
- Overview of the history of the tradition, from the source of the transmission of these techniques to their subsequent role in the practice lineages of Tibetan Buddhism
- Discussion of the need for mind training in meditative practice
- Exploration of the actual instructions of the text, beginning with a review of the preliminary practices (known as "The Four Thoughts That Turn One's Mind to Spiritual Life", which have been covered in depth during previous discussions) and proceeding to the actual practice (known as the "Trainings in Bodhichitta", or mind training slogans). 
Today's discussion will cover the mind training slogans up through number 7, "Sending and taking" (tonglen).
Discussion followed by brown-bag lunch. There is no cost but donations to defray expenses will be gratefully received. We will continue our discussion of the text on Saturday, November 18.

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12:00 PM12:00

THIRD SATURDAY EVENT (Missoula): Meditation and teacher interviews

10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Meditation period
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Brown-bag lunch and fellowship
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Meditation period

Please drop in for part or all of a meditation period.  Sitting and walking meditation will be available.  Private interviews with David Curtis will be happening during the meditation sessions.  A sign-up sheet for the open interview times will be available during Monday night class. 

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